Spacial Narrative Final Review

Josh & Cai's Walk

I enjoyed Josh & Cai's walk. After hearing their concept, I was concerned it would be really hard to follow, having two voices speaking at once. I was impressed by their coordination in recording and how smoothly the voices spoke together. While the audio provided walking directions, I would have liked to have had a map. I did enjoy their use of IRL landmarks in the futuristic setting of the narrative- i.e. construction on a building caused by flying cars. When the two voices diverge at the end of the audio, it's well edited and totally easy to follow. Cool idea, guys. Enjoy some pics from my walk.

tree splash bar

Sarah's Walk

After Josh & Cai's walk, I moved on to Sarah's walk in Powells. A nice segue. This walk, I felt, invited me to step into Sarah's life, and experience Powells through her guidance. I really enjoyed the specific things she pointed out - a shelf for cat things, the John Donne poetry collection. Because I know Powells moves things around a lot, it was fun to see these markers where Sarah says they are. I was unable to find her favorite author - Josephine Block? Speaking of Powells moving things around .. I also enjoyed the way Sarah invites the listener to literally enjoy the things she enjoys - even when it's simply just squeezing a plushy. Love it. Great job Sarah! Also, that cherry italian soda was delicious and so pink.

My stone Snacks Cat stuff Sushi toe socks Macbeth

Final note - sorry about the pictures. I couldn't figure out how to make them smaller and for some reason a lot of them uploaded sideways. You may have noticed.